Saturday, March 5, 2016

Come over and bring cake kiddies!

My FAVORITE 6th grade girls came to visit me at my apartment today. I had promised them in December that they could visit but I only said it because I thought they would forget. I FORGOT that kids NEVER FORGET ANYTHING YOU PROMISE THEM. EVER. So I get back from vacation on Wednesday and one of the girls texted me and ask to visit this Saturday. I was reluctant at first because I really do not like people in my private space. My apartment is sacred to me. It is my "country" away from So Ko.

But a promise IS A PROMISE.

So I let them come to my building and intended to speak with them in the hallway for a few minutes. You know, catch up on their short week in middle school and send them home. Well, the 3 little sweeties bought chocolate cake and pastries.

They bought goodies!

These were my 3 favorite 6th grade girls who graduated last month and started middle school three days ago. Well I hurried and tidied up, then threw my suitcases into my second room, closed the door and let them in.

4 hours later, we had eaten the cake and pastries, taken selfies, braided hair and they had taken a short nap before watching the Korean SNL on the television. Once they got comfortable, they acted like they were home.

Having just come from being home with my family, it felt good to hear giggles and laughter in my house again. It is always so quiet here with just the tv and computer to keep my company.

I finally kicked them out at 5pm after they promised to help me practice my bike riding when it gets warm. 

Don't laugh, You can forget. LOL.
Thanks for the visit, girls.  You are such sweethearts.

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