Friday, May 16, 2014

Feel the Fear and do it anyway

I had a lot of fear before I stepped on the plane to come to Korea.  Fear of the unknown. Fear of being away from my family and close friends.  Large buckets of fear.
It is to be expected. 

There were so many questions racing through my mind. How will I get along with my co-teachers? Will I be able to teach and discipline the students?  How do I navigate this new world without my usual support system?

The best way I have found to handle all these changes happening in my life at the same time is to say a prayer every morning and walk out of my door with an open mind and a smile.  With these three things, you can get pretty far.  I am trying hard to have a positive attitude every day and to find the humor in things that happen.

Got on the wrong bus for an extra hour?  Enjoy the unexpected adventure.  Laugh and make sure to jump off at my correct stop so it will NOT be two hours.

Cannot get a cellphone for weeks because of a government cell phone shutdown? Use facebook messaging and skype to keep in touch with family, friends and co-newbies. I know it is being tracked but you gotta laugh and be happy for the technology.

Beef, chicken and fruit cost more than a mortgage payment? Learn to eat the cheaper local food to supplement my diet.  Smile as I eat kimbap again.

Every weekend, I challenge myself to walk to a nearby area in my neighborhood. I am trying to work my way up to catching a bus to visit my co-newbies in other nearby towns.  I am learning to push through the fear in small steps,  just a little each day will decrease it. 

Eventually I will be able to look back to where I once stood and smile at my courage.

1 comment:

  1. Just by facing your mountain you already are a woman of courage. Keep being a role model!
