Thursday, May 16, 2024

So this happened yesterday outside my bedroom window...


Soooooooo....very soon my sunset view WILL be blocked.

I came home from school yesterday and found this monster outside of my sunset window. 

It should be done fairly quickly, maybe less than two months. 

Then my view of the sky and beautiful sunset will be gone forever. 

This is a great way to know it is time to transition out of the country.

You know how you asked God to send you a sign?

Welp, this is my sign. 

My window will be facing this bastard's window simply because he wants to show off that he can do this. There is no land on the plot, no greenery, no space really. Just a middle aged man's big ego that wants to show he can do something big and build a house from the ground up just to be able to look down at the people below.

He is exactly what is at the core of this society. 

The constant need to appear better and richer than anyone else, regardless of the price. 

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