Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Giving me expired stuff...


Why would a Korean knowingly give expired food to someone? 

She gave me this on May 16th, 2024, so it wasn't recently expired but since 17 months. I held my tongue and tossed it the second I got home. If she brings it up, I will ask/tell her not to give me expired shit again. 

I know your ego needs to feel superior to me, but there is only so much shit I can take from the locals before I blow up and curse somebody out. I was trying to be careful of her feelings but she obviously doesn't care about mine. 

This one, from school, is NOT expired.

The expiration time is usually more than 1 year ahead of time. So if you have one that is 18 months expired then you've had that product TOO LONG.

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