So the asshole landlord called the city on us for our unregistered car in the apartment parking lot.
He put up a sign of one hour then immediately called the city about the car.
The car was parked into a corner of the parking lot.
As a paying tenant, we are afforded one parking space.
He is currently building a house outside our window from the ground up so he has financial resources that are not available to us as foreigners in Korea.
He wrote the sign in Korean on purpose.
He had seen both of us entering the car to start the engine once weekly so he knew who owned the car.
He never gave us a warning and didn't even wait for me to come home to call him about the parked car.
He did it simply to feel powerful over other people.
The Korean culture is full of mean people who are extremely selfish.
The good Samaritan option does not exist here.
They only do things either to make themselves feel bigger than someone else or if it benefits them somehow.
The "community" is forced by the society so the people follow the rules and do it but underneath the fake community is some of the coldest hearts I have ever met.
After the minivan was moved to a parking lot a block, ANOTHER Korean man called the cops due to the unregistered car being moved. Again, they care NOTHING about others.
Mean acts are done to make their pathetic, lonely, miserable lives feel better, if only for one moment.
I see why there are bitter lifers expats in every country.
Once you see the underbelly of a culture, it is hard to go back to the rose-colored glasses. The glasses are cracked and will never allow you to see the people/culture the same innocent way again.
I don't believe in turning the other cheek.
I hope this man's house is destroyed right before it is completed.
I wish bad on his future and pray for his ways to be punished by an evil source.
I wish him evil and more evil and even more evil.
Fuck you, asshole. Both of you.
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