Thursday, July 4, 2024

The underbelly of Korean culture


So on Wednesday night, July 3rd 2024, a Korean guy took iron and intentionally created deep scratch lines across our van's windshield. We believe it is the same guy who snitched and called the police on us last Friday. We called a tow truck and towed the van to a friend's business parking lot.

In Korean culture, people are extremely insecure and competitive and do not want others to achieve, own, have, possess anything that they do not have. To see a foreigner drive a (ten year old) van that the low class, undereducated Korean citizen could not purchase themselves might've sparked their jealousy.

 The van was parked away from the CCTV and we are unable to find the footage of the underemployed, low intelligent, under class person who left their house after dark to destroy property that does not belong to them, out of pure jealousy. 

I would rather live in the USA, east coast, where people are straight forward than to stay with white washed, insecure, jealous people who exert energy to destroy other people's resources and lives rather than use that energy to improve their own lives. 

I wish dead dreams and pain onto this person. I hope his future is full of pain and ill health and his goals are stopped and his life is destroyed.

Turning the other cheek has never been an option for me. 

I think religious people use that line to brainwash people into submission and compliance. This makes them believe that it is okay to suffer on Earth because you will enter a fictional heaven where you will be happy and rewarded. This allows people to continue to accept abuse in the name of a fictional future reward.

If you intentionally harm me or my family then I wish that only evil enters your life

I told a foreigner friend what happened and he told me that a Korean guy poisoned and killed his pit bull a few years ago. So the level of insanity is dangerous. This is the same people who behind the safety of darkness/ the keyboard, they threaten people's lives online. This evil runs into different aspects of the underbelly, prostitution, drugs (just recently increasing), human trafficking, etc.

This happens in every country but....WHEW, Korea!!!!

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