Thursday, July 4, 2024

the contrast between individualism and group think


My thoughts on the Korean guy who intentionally deep scratched our windshield -

There should be a study about Korea that explores the differences between the forced group think that is pushed by the government versus the individualism that promotes extreme competitiveness.

Since birth the Koreans are encouraged to be the best in everything. Competition against everyone for anything, driving, academic, housing, jobs, status, etc. While the government forces their citizens to sacrifice for the general community, the average person is forced to fight for themselves while competing against the man next to them in EVERY ASPECT of their life. Some can compete well and can succeed. But there are more that can not compete due to lack of intelligence, education, resources, finances and status. 

The ones who are able to succeed work hard every day to maintain their high status.

The ones who fail within this society are bitter, angry and resentful of anyone who does succeed. They are resentful of the other Koreans and want them to fail. But they are also angry at anyone who is doing better in life than them. 

You can see these people online. They threaten people's lives and are angry at their own existence. 

If you can poison someone's dog and kill it, if you can burn a trash can in front of a competitor's business and/or scratch someone's windshield because you are miserable, then do not expect your life to get better. 

Expect your miserable life to continue to be miserable since you are using energy to destroy others instead of attempting to improve your own life. 

Again, it would be an interesting case study.

The Koreans lack empathy for each other and others and seek to destroy anyone who is doing better than them. Such a society will eventually implode.

Great topic for an academic study.

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