Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hey you! Stick it up!

Ok, I finally did it.
I bought a face mask.
Seeing the face mask for the first time two years ago left me questioning. Why wear it? Does it really work or it is just an accessory, after the fact?  Because when you get sick in So Ko, you NEVER take a day off. Never? Never ever? NEVER. Instead, it shows your diligence if you drag your feverish body slowly up a mountain, coughing and hacking just to infect other teachers and your wonderful students.  These wonderful students then return the favor a week later.

So I picked up a smiley-face mask in Daegu this past weekend. Take a look at it below. It almost covers up my entire face and makes me look like a (cute) bank robber. It looks like I am about to say "Stick it up" in the middle of a bank lobby. But, hey, if it works, I will continue to wear it and look like the "Smiley Face Bandit".

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