Thursday, July 18, 2024

Plant give away!


What will you do this summer?


Everything is an illusion


Everything is an illusion.

Find a small space in this world and be happy anyway.

Learn to let go


Bitter sweet family memories. 

Time passes, life changes whether you accept it or not.

Embrace the changes and let go so your life will improve, with less stress.

If you love someone, set them free.

Love your life, no matter what.

I have a cold.


Use this to get better in Korea.

The red one is over the counter at any pharmacy. 

The blue one can be prescribed by a doctor.

The blue one works much faster.

Monsoon season~ be aware


Dangerous monsoon season 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Korea's excessive need to feel superior to the next person...


This was a Korea Times article.

It reflects Korea's excessive need to feel superior to the next person.


Young Koreans rank subway stations according to real estate prices
By KTimes July 15, 2024

The act of drawing attention when stepping out of an expensive car has now extended to subway stations in upscale areas like Gangnam, reflecting a new and distasteful trend of showing off among some of Seoul's more affluent residents.

A few years ago, luxury car owners coined the term "exit feel" to describe the satisfaction they derived from the attention they received when stepping out of an expensive vehicle.

This term gained popularity among those who favored imported cars over domestic ones for their perceived prestige. Comments such as "Only German cars (Mercedes, BMW, Audi) provide true exit feel" or "Supercars offer the ultimate exit luxury, far surpassing leased cars," became common.

Recently, a post that applied this term to subway stations went viral online. It suggested that one could experience the same sense of prestige when getting off at subway stations in Gangnam, similar to that experienced when stepping out of a luxury car.

This trend of showcasing superiority based on living in the Gangnam area is continuously popping up on the internet and social media.

While flaunting wealth was once viewed negatively, it is now often admired, which further intensifies this materialistic tendency.

Real estate classifications

The concept of Gangnam superiority has been a persistent source of controversy. Last October, the Gangnam District Office faced backlash for using phrases like "The buildings are shiny, and there are many people, it feels expensive," and "Stop staring at the buildings like a bumpkin from the countryside," in an official promotional video.

Following a flood of complaints about the derogatory and mocking tone toward non-Gangnam residents, the video was set to private.

A similar controversy arose in June of the same year with an apartment advertisement in Banpo-dong, Seocho District. The ad's slogan "Dedicated to those who dream of an unequal world" was criticized for promoting elitism and evoking negative feelings among the general public.

An intense public backlash led to the removal of the controversial phrase from the apartment's website.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Stabbed in the back by my co-teacher ...let me explain


The situation with my co-teacher slandering me finally came to a head.

Yesterday, I set up a meeting with the VP, Principal and the nice co-teacher who speaks good English.

I translated the situation from English to Hangul and then made sure to print the document off the slandering teacher's printer, ha!

The older I get the more I realize how important it is to protect my peace.

This woman is disturbing my peace by making me a scapegoat and demonizing me to the other Koreans at my school. It is unacceptable that after many years of working here professionally, it is only AFTER she becomes my direct liaison (my handler) that there is a negative narrative of me at my job. 

My behavior has not changed but the person putting out my narrative has changed.

She is hated and wants people to hate me, too.

Naw, son.

I was bullied growing up and will not be bullied as an adult. 

After the meeting the Principal relayed if anything happens with this teacher going forward to go directly to him and he will address the issue immediately. 

(When you f@ck around, you will find out.)


외국인으로서, 저는 목소리도 없고, 힘도 없고, 보호도 없습니다. 저는 전문적이고 높은 수준의 행동을 유지하기 위해 최선을 다합니다. 저는 제 학생들, 심지어 나쁜 학생들도 사랑합니다. 그녀는 사람들이 저를 문제 있는 사람이라고 믿게 하고, 공격적이고, 위계질서와 규칙을 무시합니다. 그녀는 자신이 가진 어떤 문제라도 저를 희생양으로 삼습니다. 그녀는 제가 쉬운 대상이기 때문에 제 이름을 비방합니다. 저는 외국인으로서 보호받지 못합니다. 다른 선생님들은 학교 규칙에 대해 강한 의견을 가지고 있지만, 그녀는 사람들이 저를 싫어하게 만들기 위해 저의 강한 의견을 지도부와 공유하기로 결정했습니다.

 그녀는 저를 나쁜 사람으로 만들기 위해 제 말을 왜곡합니다. 저는 항상 3일간의 여름 캠프를 원하지 않았습니다. 저는 항상 1주일을 원했습니다. 저는 수년 동안 존중하고, 전문적이고, 예의 바르고 정중했습니다. 이번 학기의 유일한 변화는 그녀가 저의 직접적인 연락처이고, 사람들이 저를 좋아하지 않도록 의도적으로 저의 좋은 이름을 퍼뜨린다는 것입니다. 그녀는 사람들이 저를 문제라고 믿기를 원하고, 사람들은 저를 싫어할 것입니다.

사람들은 저에게 다른 방식으로 행동하기 시작했고 저는 왜 그런 변화가 일어났는지 이해할 수 없었습니다. 저는 이제 그것이 그녀가 제 좋은 이름을 비방하고 있기 때문이라는 것을 깨달았어요.

As a foreigner, I have no voice, no power, and no protection. I do my best to maintain professional and high-level behavior. I love my students, even bad ones. She makes people believe that I am a problem, is aggressive, and ignores hierarchy and rules. She scapegoats me for any problem she has. She smears my name because I am an easy target. I am not protected as a foreigner. Other teachers have strong opinions about school rules, but she decided to share my strong opinions with the leadership to make people hate me.

She distorts my words to make me a bad person. I didn't always want a three-day summer camp. I always wanted a week. I have been respectful, professional, polite and polite for many years. The only change this semester is that she is my direct contact and deliberately slanders my good name so that people don't like me. She wants people to believe that I am a problem, and make people hate me.

People started behaving differently to me and I couldn't understand why the change had happened. I now realize it's because she's smearing my good name.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

the contrast between individualism and group think


My thoughts on the Korean guy who intentionally deep scratched our windshield -

There should be a study about Korea that explores the differences between the forced group think that is pushed by the government versus the individualism that promotes extreme competitiveness.

Since birth the Koreans are encouraged to be the best in everything. Competition against everyone for anything, driving, academic, housing, jobs, status, etc. While the government forces their citizens to sacrifice for the general community, the average person is forced to fight for themselves while competing against the man next to them in EVERY ASPECT of their life. Some can compete well and can succeed. But there are more that can not compete due to lack of intelligence, education, resources, finances and status. 

The ones who are able to succeed work hard every day to maintain their high status.

The ones who fail within this society are bitter, angry and resentful of anyone who does succeed. They are resentful of the other Koreans and want them to fail. But they are also angry at anyone who is doing better in life than them. 

You can see these people online. They threaten people's lives and are angry at their own existence. 

If you can poison someone's dog and kill it, if you can burn a trash can in front of a competitor's business and/or scratch someone's windshield because you are miserable, then do not expect your life to get better. 

Expect your miserable life to continue to be miserable since you are using energy to destroy others instead of attempting to improve your own life. 

Again, it would be an interesting case study.

The Koreans lack empathy for each other and others and seek to destroy anyone who is doing better than them. Such a society will eventually implode.

Great topic for an academic study.

The underbelly of Korean culture


So on Wednesday night, July 3rd 2024, a Korean guy took iron and intentionally created deep scratch lines across our van's windshield. We believe it is the same guy who snitched and called the police on us last Friday. We called a tow truck and towed the van to a friend's business parking lot.

In Korean culture, people are extremely insecure and competitive and do not want others to achieve, own, have, possess anything that they do not have. To see a foreigner drive a (ten year old) van that the low class, undereducated Korean citizen could not purchase themselves might've sparked their jealousy.

 The van was parked away from the CCTV and we are unable to find the footage of the underemployed, low intelligent, under class person who left their house after dark to destroy property that does not belong to them, out of pure jealousy. 

I would rather live in the USA, east coast, where people are straight forward than to stay with white washed, insecure, jealous people who exert energy to destroy other people's resources and lives rather than use that energy to improve their own lives. 

I wish dead dreams and pain onto this person. I hope his future is full of pain and ill health and his goals are stopped and his life is destroyed.

Turning the other cheek has never been an option for me. 

I think religious people use that line to brainwash people into submission and compliance. This makes them believe that it is okay to suffer on Earth because you will enter a fictional heaven where you will be happy and rewarded. This allows people to continue to accept abuse in the name of a fictional future reward.

If you intentionally harm me or my family then I wish that only evil enters your life

I told a foreigner friend what happened and he told me that a Korean guy poisoned and killed his pit bull a few years ago. So the level of insanity is dangerous. This is the same people who behind the safety of darkness/ the keyboard, they threaten people's lives online. This evil runs into different aspects of the underbelly, prostitution, drugs (just recently increasing), human trafficking, etc.

This happens in every country but....WHEW, Korea!!!!