Monday, August 19, 2024

Dirty air😭 - August 2024


In Korean public schools, the room air cons are dismantled and cleaned yearly. The cleaning service takes about 2 hours to complete the cleaning process.

At our small apartment building, each resident must clean the air filters ourselves.

But there is no thorough cleaning of the air cons. I spent one hour cleaning the inside of the air con but could NOT reach this part.

The landlord is an @sshole so I refuse to call him about this. There is less than 3 weeks left of this heat wave so I will try to find something to filter the open space where this dust blows through.

I turned off the air con last night and, even with three fans, the heat was overwhelming. I didn't sleep a wink.😭😭😭😭

This is such a health hazard.

Send h.e.l.p.!!!😭

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