(summary - stingy teacher loves being stingy and entitled)
If I wasn't sure, I am now.
I was able to get two free tickets for a Broadway-like musical performance for one of my co-teachers.
The day after the performance, she cancelled all her classes and then ducked out early without speaking with me. This would not be too unusual for another culture but Korean culture honors transactional relationships. No one does ANYTHING for you without paying it back. So for her to not offer a cup of iced coffee or anything, shows how natural selfish this woman is. This is the same woman that I used to prep our teaching classrooms for. Having lived her for more than five years, I understand how the locals relate to each other. If they cannot benefit from someone, then that person is distanced from. Friendships are treated like businesses here. Relationships must be mutually beneficial or immediately ended. That is why "ghosting" is done so quickly and easily in this country.
Once your usage has been depleted, then "what good are ya?" Onwards to the next relationship that can benefit them.
I used to disagree with this way of thinking when I first arrived in this country. But after being ghosted by people I thought were friends, it seems like a good idea.
Don't waste your time or energy on anything that does not serve you.
So I watched my co-teacher carefully to see how she would behave after coming back from the performance. It never entered her mind to find a way to either thank me OR the woman who was able to get the tickets for us, especially her tickets, since it was in a different time and two weeks later.
I had already purchased a $25 dollar traditional cake for the woman and her family who was able to get our tickets. Initially I was going to ask the co-teacher to contribute BUT naaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwww, son. She is a selfish, greedy bitch and not worth the energy.
If I am here next year, I will make sure to attend, then conveniently NOT be able to get extra tickets for a thoughtless person who received two musical tickets worth about $300 and not offer to send anything to the woman who gave us the tickets.
Wow, even in the USA that would be considered thoughtless and greedy.
Lesson learned, again.
Ha ha
UPDATE - a few hours later, same day, Thursday afternoon 3pm
The co-teacher found a way to pay me back. Ha ha
She went to the other teacher who had completed lessons with me on Tuesdays and insisted that I teach with HER on Tuesdays- even though if her lessons were completed with a class, she would never volunteer to teach with me on her free day.
The only good news is that I am taking off the day after Christmas day so I will not be here on that one Tuesday so she will HAVE to teach her solo class.....solo.
If you don't remember anything else from this blog- remember this- Koreans will ALWAYS stick up for other Koreans, no matter what level of friendship you have with them. They NEVER want another person to have what they do not have, in this case - free class time.
The crabs in the barrel mentality is very deep here. The barrel is narrow and deep. You dare not try to escape it or you will be pulled back down by enemy or fake friend.
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