Thursday, March 7, 2019

Dear Korea, I did NOT sign up to work in China, thank you.

Dear Korea, 
I did NOT sign up to work in China with all its pollution.
I signed up to work in a country with beautiful mountains and clean air. 
This is ridiculous and someone needs to do something about this. 
It makes no sense that the pollution has gotten this bad. 
I am NOT interested in having long term health issues because of a few years in living here. 
So here is my Dear John letter to you.

Dear Korea/John,
After long consideration, I have decided to walk away from this relationship. We've been together for more than five years. In that time you have been abusive emotionally (racism, sexism, all the ism) but I dealt with it because I chose to see the good in you. I excused the hair touching, the "your skin is so soft" comments, and the shock/awe that I could speak English as well as a "real American". I decided I could change you and make you better.

Many people told me to break up with you because of the emotional abuse but I insisted that you could change your ways and would begin to treat me better. Your high speed internet, strong economy and high income status made me think that was possible. Now, you've started to physically assault me. You cling to me and surround me in a hazy fog. My throat is sore, my head hurts, my skin is blotchy. You harm me daily and my tears flow. I fear the long term consequences of this relationship. I thought you loved me but you treat me so badly. You remind me of my ex, China. She was abusive from the start so it was easy to break away from her.

But, Korea, you seduced me with your beauty, colorful festivals and delicious kimchi. Why have you betrayed me, Korea? I wanted to work things out. I was willing to educate all your children in exchange for a healthy bond with you. 

But it is not working out. 

No, it is not you. It is me. My standards for how a country treats me has improved. That improved standards now excludes you, Kay Bae. 
I hope you can change one day and can create a healthy relationship. One where you embrace diversity and clean air policies. 
Until then I wish you well, K Bae.

I will miss you. 

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