Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Lapdance for the teacher

Soooooooo...on the last night of a 3 day field trip to Seoul, my son and other 6th grade boys were asked to compete by "dancing sexy" first with each other and THEN by giving a lapdance to the male homeroom teacher. My son refused and we both watched in horror while a room full of kids and seven adults cheered, laughed and amused themselves. The boys danced sexy on the seated teacher and the best sexy dancer won.
Naw, son. Not today, Satan, and not in a million years. 

Famous~est kid in Korea

Walking outside with my son has been interesting. There are some who want to touch his head or take his picture without permission. NO. and NO AGAIN. Neither of us are zoo animals walking around my town for your viewing pleasure. On the other hand, there are many people who smile when they see him because he is such a cute boy! I am walking the line and trying my best to make this a learning experience for him.

The Jackie Robinson of So Ko

My pre-teen son has integrated my main school!
First Black.
First American.
First Black American.
First foreigner.
You get the picture. We have had a few challenges so far...but we are managing.

Being the "first" anywhere will be a bit daunting but he is a smart boy with a good sense of humor and is able, like his Mommy, to laugh at the absurd. We laugh, shake our heads and then keep it moving. 

Such is life.

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