Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Finally!!! I saw mermaids!!!

Real life mermaids in Jeju-do!

I have been wanting to meet the "Korean mermaids" (hanyeos) since I saw a youtube documentary that showed these amazing women and their legacy. I am inspired by them and have added them to my list of "she-roes". The mermaids are senior citizen scuba divers who dive with no equipment to collect sea food on the bottom of the ocean floor.   They do this to raise their families and send their children to school. The Korean mermaids are dying off and their daughters are choosing not to follow in their foot steps. Once these strong beautiful old women die off so will their amazing legacy.
The documentary on youtube is less than an hour. Check it out and learn about these strong senior citizens who learned how to adapt and survive.

I love how they swim to the bottom of the ocean and come up as angels!

They remind me every day in So Ko that if life knocks you to your knees, swim to the bottom of the ocean and then (choose to) come up for air!

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