This guy won AGAIN.
Election Day 2024 in the USA.
Praying for better results.
Soooooo...it is time for renewal for the February foreign teachers.
We have to send in a one page document stating whether we will choose to renew at our school or not.
I spoke with my co-teacher about it (she is my middle man).
Then, because I don't trust her as far as I can throw her ass across a room, I walked to the Vice Principal's office and asked her directly if the school wanted to renew my contact again for next year.
Well, you would've thought I stabbed their grandmother on live tv.
I got into real trouble for ASKING ABOUT MY OWN FUCKING RENEWAL.
In Korean school culture, I am required to stay in my low caste system and NEVER ask such an important question to a leader in the school. I was suppose to ONLY go through the middleman.
It seemed they reluctantly decided to renew my contact despite my evil act of asking about my own contract. Yo, ha ha.
In the USA, it would require an appointment with either your supervisor OR your manager to provide feedback, potential raises and etc.
This incident and the locals' reaction to it has confirmed a few things in my mind.
For now I will be Meryl Streep, keep my head down and continue being a good, kind teacher.
I look forward to my future away from this rigid, caste-like culture.
It is always good to be home where you can be yourself with no pretense, where people are straight forward, no chaser, no bullshit.